Welcome to the world, Josef Reuben!

Dear Friends,
The long wait is over. Our dear Josef Reuben is finally with us. We put up this site to keep you all updated on the wonderful story of Baby Josef’s coming to the world. This is also  our way of thanking you all for being with us throughout the joys and challenges of anticipation. The beginning of a new life is filled with meaning because of the welcoming love of friends, both near and far.
Our biggest thanks to all of you!

With love,
Soc, Lovelyn, and Kuya (Big Brother) Johann

Josef Reuben 

Born: 9 April 2012, 12:32am

Weight: 2.86kg

Height: 49cm

Meaning of Josef Reuben: Josef means "God adds or increases".  Reuben means "Behold, a son!"  Put together, Josef Reuben says, "Behold! God adds another son!" Although the meaning of the name strikes one as very appropriate, we did not really intend this. We chose Reuben to take after our baby's maternal grandfather, and Josef, after the saint from whom the family draws inspiration. Nonetheless, the name speaks for this wonderful gift -- a child from God.

Lovelyn and Baby Josef's visiting hours 

Mum and babe will be staying at the UZ Leuven Gasthuisberg, Rm. 4102 (follow the yellow arrows then take the lift to the 4th floor). They will be confined  from  9/4/2012 to 13/4/2012 (to be confirmed later). The hospital visiting hours are from 2-4 p.m. and from 6-8 p.m.

You may also come and visit us in our apartment starting 16/4/2012.
Our address is:
Brusselsestraat 165/ F183   3000 Leuven
Kindly inform us either by email, sms or call us in our mobile numbers if you are planning on a visit. We will be very happy to receive you.

Baby Josef's Online Gift Registry

For those who have been asking what would be a great welcome gift for the little one, we put up an online gift registry with the baby shop Doekjes en Broekjes. This will be activated by Tuesday, 10 April 2012 and will remain open for a duration of 3 months. 

To visit the site, kindly click on this link:   http://doekjesenbroekjes.geboortelijst.be/ and type Josef Reuben for the name of the baby. You will also be asked to enter one of the parents' names. You may type either Socrates  or Lovelyn. 

If you wish to give gifts from the  registered list ,  you may choose from the following options:

1)you may order the gifts online and have them delivered to you so you can bring them on your visit
or for more cost-effective options:

2) you may reserve your gifts online and pick them up in the store

3) pay for orders online and have us receive them in the store

4) or you may personally visit the shop and be entertained by the very accommodating sales staff.  The address is : Diestsestraat 153 Levuen,  Phone/ Fax 016 50 90 71.  The shop is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Thank you very much!

The first day

Kuya Johann meets Josef for the first time. 
A week before being born, Johann, the big brother said he was excited to  "rock his baby brother to sleep."

Tired but happy parents. Big brother Johann took this shot. :) 

The Second Day - friends come to visit

The Candy giveaways ready for the visitors

Thanks to my good friend Annelies D. for this labor of love. :) 

Tita C holding baby Josef

Ate Jenny, Sr. Joan and Tita C. 

and the twins Cel and Malou 

Finally, a family portrait. 

Got his first bath today. :)